bolus makes structured noise and soundscapes interspersed with percussion, found sounds and field recordings.

"I have varied interests ranging from film, art, mathematics and science through to field recording and sound collecting, which all influence my work in one way or another. I sometimes create music while picturing an imaginary scene from a film which ties in with my desire to make soundtracks and to create films of my own. I love modulating soundscapes and drones, as well as playing with monumental reverbs. "

Some of the influences:

  • Rechenzentrum
  • Pan Sonic
  • Sunn
  • Raster Noton (Senking, Alva Noto, Kangding Ray)
  • Autechre
  • Oliver Huntemann
  • Merzbow
  • Melvins

bolus allows himself the creative freedom to take the sound in whatever direction interests him at that point without worrying about genre or previous style.

bolus is another project of Nullva

You can find this artist here:


Releases on Electron Emitter: