Number Eleven @ Yaga Gathering 2016
The hand-made audiovisual performance of our artist Number Eleven was played on the international alternative culture festival Yaga Gathering 2016.
The beautiful Concept stage standing in the middle of the forest and decorated with green leaves and colorful lightbulbs met the black and white visualizations of Number Eleven. Late Saturday, when it got already dark was perfect to see this dance of abstract shapes and ever evolving sounds.
One moment seemed that the performance is over, after only 10 minutes of playing the photographer with her huuuge camera suddenly dropped the laptop from which the artist was playing. The laptop broke into several parts and it seemed like a serious thing. However, all those parts were not crucial for the performance (like the CD drive) and the artist could continue.
After the end of the show, the audience demanded the encore, and that means the performance was good enough in spite of some technical difficulties.
A word about Yaga Gathering: it’s four days wonder in Lithuanian woods open to diversity of worldviews, mindsets and artistic expression. Atmosphere filled with love, joy, respect, knowledge and arts gives an opportunity to jump out of the box and join the Ring. Not just another dance music festival – it’s a festival of magical lifestyle.
Next year we’ll be back there with more artists!