Wolf Wrams
I create music from my own world. There is much to explore and exploit inside my mind, but it isn't available at will. One must do best when best is available, but not doing anything sometimes is the best.
"Wolf Wrams", started as an artist alias, nowadays it's my pseudonym I largely use for people to know me.
I never really liked electronic music, never cared about it for a long, long time. However, I loved music since childhood and made instruments of wood, playing rhythms with them that my mind produced. Later, I became a guitarist, not by vocation but by a choice. I played with it and was a singer in a couple of metal bands until my guitar broke its head - now its career is over and it collects dust in a corner of my room. Besides metal music, I have interest in classical, jazz, punk and experimental music, and now it's already a decade I do care about some genres of electronic music.
What brought my attention to it are a couple of bands (if they even deserve to be called "bands") that had distanced themselves from 4/4 rhythm, which I mostly hate and never use (at least in this project). They gave the whole new perspective to the listeners and other musicians.
I wanted the same! I liked the abstract sounds, rhythm, melodies, arrangements, colours, new ideas that came to my mind by listening to it. After seeing the music, collecting the information that overwhelmed me I had no choice but to create my own sounds, songs, and music. I had to put my own seal on the world!
I use my brain, sequencers, VSTI, VST programs, MAX/MSP, and various DAWs to express myself when converting my ideas to the sound. All I need is brain, mood, information and a will to create. That's all I have and that's all that you'll hear.

You can find this artist here:


Releases on Electron Emitter: